

by Helen Stephens Helen Stephens
Read about Taz our amazing Agromegalic Cat

Taz is a lovely 13 year old male cat.  He came in to see us a few years ago as his owner had noticed him starting to drink a lot more.  We took some blood and found out Taz was diabetic.  We started Taz on insulin and saw him back for regular appointments to monitor how he was doing.  After several months of treatment Taz still wasn’t as stable as we would have liked.  We did some more tests and found that Taz had a condition called Acromegaly. This is a growth hormone disorder caused by a tumour in Taz’s brain.  It  is a very rare condition and was the reason that Taz was not responding well to the insulin. It also made him very big weighing in at around 10kg. We referred Taz to have radiotherapy on the tumour in his brain.  After a few weeks his insulin dosage began to drop and he was much happier.  Taz continued to do well on insulin for another two years, which is very good for this condition.  Recently his diabetes started to become a problem again so we feared his brain tumour had come back.  We thought about another course of radiotherapy but this would not be as successful a second time.  The decision was made to send Taz to the Royal Veterinary College to have the tumour in his brain removed.  We were all a bit nervous about it as it was such a big operation.   The tumour in his brain was removed through the roof of his mouth.  Two weeks after the operation Taz was allowed to go home and he was doing brilliantly.  His diabetes is now cured so he does not need daily injections.

This was a very rare and challenging case to deal with.  Taz’s owners have shown great commitment in getting him better and now he looks forward to a happy future. 

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